Utah Tech University

Academic Appeal

Meet with your Academic Advisor prior to submitting an academic appeal.

According to the University Student Code (Policy 553), Academic Appeals are accepted for the following: academic actions (including grades), exceptions to graduation, and general education requirements after they’ve reached the Dean level*.

If you are submitting more than one appeal, you must complete a form for each appeal.

Supporting documents should be submitted to: Kylie Biasi, UHB 362A or Kylie.Biasi@utahtech.edu.

*Students must first pursue their appeal through the faculty member (if applicable), Department Chair, and Dean before completing this form. This evidence should be documented in writing (email, letter, etc.) and must be submitted to Kylie Biasi before the committee will review.

Academic Appeals are not for financial aid or for academic integrity issues.

Academic Appeals

Personal Information

Current Address

Grade or Other Academic Action

These types of appeals first go to the instructor (if a specific instructor is involved), then the department chair, and finally the dean. Any appeal of a dean’s decision involves an academic appeal.

Submit supporting documents:

  • for grade appeals: course name and number, semester that the course was attempted/completed
  • for grade appeals: instructor name, telephone number and email
  • exact nature of the appeal
  • documents (syllabus, your work, etc.) that support your appeal

Graduation Requirement

Graduation requirements are outlined in the University Catalog and in Policy 524.

Submit a letter that describes each of the following:

  • degree and department offering the degree program
  • name and email of advisor
  • date of graduation audit and name, phone number and email of person who conducted audit
  • graduation requirement that you are appealing and reasons for your appeal
  • documents that support your appeal, including letters from faculty members

    General Education Requirement

    General Education requirements are specified in the University Catalog.

    Submit a letter that describes each of the following:

  • General Education requirement(s) that you are appealing and reasons for your appeal.
  • documents that support your appeal, including a syllabus from any course you propose as a GE
    substitution (attach copies)
  • Appeals Procedure

    The Academic Appeals Committee meets once each month, September through May. The Academic Appeals Committee will review submitted appeals at the next scheduled meeting after receipt, and deliberate.

    Notification: You will be notified of the committee’s decision within 10 business days via the email address provided after the committee has held their monthly meeting.

    Submit Your Appeal

    Please meet with your academic advisor before proceeding.
