Utah Tech University

Registrar’s Office

Let Us Help You!

You can rely on the Registrar’s Office at Utah Tech University to guide you through the registration process and keep your records secure. You can access most of our services online through your myUT account, or you can visit our office.

Change of Major

Please meet with an academic advisor before changing your major.

Connect with Advisor

Order Utah Tech transcripts

Ordering transcripts can be done online or in person.

Order Online

Leave of Absence

Use this form if you intend to take a leave from school for financial, medical, military, personal, or religious reasons.

Complete Request

Residency Requirements

Classified as a non-resident student? Use this link to learn more about applying for Utah residency for tuition purposes.

More Information


Trying to register for a full class? Click the link to find out more about how the Waitlist works.

Read More

Transfer Guide

Need to see how a class from another university transfers to UT? Click the link to search for universities and courses that are in our database.

Start your transfer

Complete Withdrawal

Use this form to withdraw from ALL of your classes in a specific semester (check the academic calendar for eligible withdrawal dates).

Further Details


If I’m not a student, how can I look at what courses are available?

How can I calculate my GPA?

How do I register for classes?

Why were my classes dropped?

Your classes may be dropped if:

  • You do not attend the first class and have not notified your instructor
  • You do not meet the prerequisite for the class

Why can't I get into the class I'm trying to register for?

You may not be able to register for a class due to one or more of the following:

  • Prerequisites have not been met for the class. Some classes require a minimum test score, a previously completed class, preparatory course work, program admission or instructor permission.
  • You can review prerequisites by class here.
  • Co-requisite class or lab was not added (e.g. GEO 1010 and GEO 1015 must be added together).
  • A registration hold has been placed on your account. You might have a hold due to an outstanding balance, academic standing, missing directory information, etc.

How do I add or drop a class?

Adding classes: You may register for a class online through the fifth day of a semester. If the class is full, you do not meet the prerequisites, or the fifth day of class has passed, you will need an Add Card to enroll.

If the class is full or the fifth day of class has passed, your instructor must sign your Add Card. If you do not meet the prerequisites for a class, the department chair must sign your Add Card. Return your signed add card to the Registrar’s Office to be enrolled in the class.

You may use an Add Card to join a class until the end of the fourth week of the semester.

Dropping classes: You may drop a class online through the end of the third week of the semester. During  the second week, a $10 drop fee will be added per class dropped. After the third week of class, a “W” will appear on your transcript and no tuition refund will be given. Students can withdraw from classes online through the end of the eighth week of the Fall/Spring semester.

How do I audit a class?

Auditing a class allows you to attend a class without receiving a grade or credit. If you choose to audit a class, you must pay all applicable tuition and fees, but no grade or credit will be issued. To audit a class, complete the Audit Card and submit it to the Registrar’s Office before the end of the 4th week of classes.

How do I change my personal information?

To change your name, social security number, date of birth, or gender, please complete the Change of Personal Information form and bring the form with proper identification to the Registrar’s Office.

Note: a social security card is required for all name changes.

To change your contact information or marital status, login to your myUtah Tech account and click on ‘Personal Information’ to update.

How do I get proof of enrollment?

You can either visit the Registrar’s Office, email your request to records@utahtech.edu, or online through the National Student Clearinghouse.

How do I view my grades?

To view your grades:

  • Login to your myUtah Tech account
  • Click on the “Students” tab
  • Select “Student Records”
  • choose “Final Grades” for an individual semester, or “Unofficial Transcript” to view all grades

What is Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and how might I qualify for PLA?

Utah Tech University recognizes that learners in higher education come from varied backgrounds and a wide variety of life experiences that might qualify for college course credit at UT.

Learn more about PLA

How do I see my schedule of classes if I have a hold?

To see your schedule of classes, login to your myUT account, click on Student, and then “Student Profile.” You should be able to see the classes you are registered for on your profile.

Login to My UT

Office Hours


  • Closed.


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


  • Closed.


Have questions about finding the right form or submitting an application? Reach out to us!

Mailing Address

Registrar’s Office
Utah Tech University
225 S. University Ave.
St. George, UT 84770

Registrar's Office

Email: records@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7708

Fax: 435-879-4005

Office: Holland 1st Floor